On the Newcastle Metro Area of the SkyscraperCity forum someone has said they've heard a rumour that the new 308 hybrids could be replaced with ex London bendy buses!
Weird I know, and unlikely as Arriva North East have had plenty of time to bring up ex London bendies when they first became available but they weren't bothered. Plus having to reroute 308s away from the popular end stands of Haymarket bus station could be risky for their passenger numbers, (as Coast Road residents within Newcastle can currently hang around at the last too stands and jump on what ever comes first, i.e; 306, 307, 308, 309, or 310).
I'm not one for spreading rumours etc, as I know myself this sounds unlikely, but I just thought I'd mention it here, just in case someone here had heard something too.
I'll not hold my breath for further bendies on the coast road