Fun and games on 21 today firstly the 11.30am wingate jobcentre to peterlee was 7 minutes late into peterlee the driver said he had a problem with the bus number 4812
then on way back from peterlee should of been getting 4.01pm bus service 21 but the 3.01pm bus service 21 hadn't gone when i got off 24 from hartlepool at 3.15pm waited it did arrive and left at 3.27pm bus number 4804 driver said the bus he was suppose to have had to be changed which probaly was 4812 i helped him with route from peterlee bus station to wingate fir tree as he had not been route learned the new part of 21 i felt sorry for both drivers as 4812 was its first day in service on route 21
so lets see what happens tommorow
RE: Arriva bus changes!