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What's annoying you today? V3

What's annoying you today? V3

RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(10 Apr 2015, 8:04 am)Kuyoyo wrote Having done a 8 hour 15 minutes without a break last night.

Is that even legal?
Marxista Fozzski
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(09 Apr 2015, 7:58 pm)Andreos1 wrote Now if I was Fozz - there would be some innuendo in my reply...
Aye...Wondering if he got in the sack Big Grin
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(10 Apr 2015, 9:23 am)Adam wrote Is that even legal?

I started at 4, finished at quarter past 12 and the shift is down on the books as 4-10 hence no break. As a Kitchen Porter (which isn't what I applied for but for now I'm stuck with it), we're basically there until we have our part of the kitchen clear. As the 4pm start shift is only down as a 6 hour shift, they don't allow a break despite the company's policy being that we get a break after 5 hours. Lucky, I'm off today and I've got two early shifts this weekend (10am til 6pm tomorrow followed by an 11am til 6pm on Sunday) on which I do actually get a break.
Marxista Fozzski
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
2 things annoying me today...

1.. I missed a trick last night on my way home from the Metty Dome, got back to Murton about half 11, talking to a nice young lass on the terrace, she wanted to hold my hand, dunno why, guess cos we were headed in the same general direction, bit chat, little laughs...I not exactly quick in coming forward, I shoulda asked her out for a drink.

2. Old People on the bus...It is roasting outside, and I cant open a window because some old goat and her husband will feel the concern for me who is lathered feeling sick in what feels like a greenhouse
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
My mam has been phoned me seven times apparently.

I phone her back, no answer, so I go upstairs with the phone downstairs. Emails display at the top of the screen, all it said this time was "4 unread mails", and there was "Phone me" and "Phone me now" in them.

I phone her back... Now I've "ruined her day" by not phoning them and now they're on the way back.

Pisses me off, she obviously knows that I'll be in my room not listening for the phone.


Anyway, kids outside are shouting for me to come outside, I've just told them to go away and now I'm sat in a dark room as my blinds are down. They obviously don't know the meaning of "go away".
Site Administrator
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
Was quite happy to see 4085 turn up as I haven't been on a non-refurbished Metrocar for quite a while now, but the smell of urine was absolutely ghastly.
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(10 Apr 2015, 3:52 pm)aureolin wrote 30p to have a slash at King's Cross Station! Scandalous.

Oh and you don't have get some idiots on trains.

Once spent something like 50p at Berwick, somebody before me dribbled on the toilet, so I got charged an extra 30p for dribbling. God knows what would have been in the last persons, you knar.  Big Grin
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(10 Apr 2015, 3:44 pm)Dan wrote Was quite happy to see 4085 turn up as I haven't been on a non-refurbished Metrocar for quite a while now, but the smell of urine was absolutely ghastly.

994002 turned up at Heworth, and on the 'A' end, was a yellow tint in the white paintwork. That got some thinking going, either orange juice or something else. And it ain't pleasant.
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(10 Apr 2015, 3:52 pm)aureolin wrote 30p to have a slash at King's Cross Station! Scandalous.

Oh and you don't have get some idiots on trains.

I hate anywhere that charges you to go the toilet.

Was a nightmare when I went to Scarborough around Easter last year as the toilets in the shopping centre were closed whilst work was being done so instead of paying something ridiculous like 70p to go the toilet I ended up going to McDondalds and using theirs and I didn't buy anything, normally I hate people who do that but I don't believe in being charged to do something I have to do.
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
I'm sick of a Flickr user who decided to un-follow me last week then start following me again the other night and faved the photo of MAX 1590 and I've just noticed that he has un-faved the photo.

Think this may be another person to block.
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(10 Apr 2015, 6:43 pm)Jimmi wrote Bitch in Tesco getting pissed off because I was using the zebra crossing. She git reved the engine and gave me dirty looks.


Tesco Extra's car park is the worst place on earth.

Had one in TRAshington Asda, she obviously thought that I was a suicidal maniac by walking over a part of a road that looks like a zebra and has two sticks on either side with a yellow flashy thing.

She gave me looks then I walked past her again when she stopped at the lights and gave her the stare of doom.
Marxista Fozzski
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(10 Apr 2015, 3:52 pm)aureolin wrote 30p to have a slash at King's Cross Station! Scandalous.

Oh and you don't have get some idiots on trains.
I was in Waterloo or Kings Cross years ago and it cost 20p, as I walked out the toilets I asked my 19p change...The attendant was foreign and probably did understand the phrase 'Spend a Penny'...

Another time, I was on a youth group sailing trip and we pulled alongside in Calais, we went to a public toilet, we had to pay a couple of Francs to which my mate said 'You serious, you want me to pay to have a shit in a hole in the floor' we did not pay after an argument broke out, the French Toilet Attendant was not sitting on the way in, they were sly and hid behind an exit to collar people on the way out

I think it is scandalous charging to have a slash or a crap...
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
Can someone tell the childrens outside that not everyone wants to listen to "bang bang a bang bang" etc. also the neighbours at #72 have got into a fight (AGAIN!) with their neighbours.

Also my next door neighbours were singing "Tanham Tile" whatever that is, last night. Also the boy is an ungrateful bellend for not being thankful that I tidied his room.

Also Minecraft papercraft is shit too.

And now it's bloody raining ffs
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(12 Apr 2015, 9:23 am)Tommy_1581 wrote How do I get rid of these shitty scam adverts? They're really pissing me off now, already had an old granny who transformed her abs. 

Adblock =) 
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(12 Apr 2015, 9:23 am)Tommy_1581 wrote How do I get rid of these shitty scam adverts? They're really pissing me off now, already had an old granny who transformed her abs. 

Out of curiosity, what did she transform her abs into? A car?
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(12 Apr 2015, 9:30 am)Tommy_1581 wrote I can't download things to my mam's iPad, as she has lost her apple store password.

Bloody hell. I've opted out and now I'm getting these scams.

=(, Oh noes 
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: What's annoying you today? V3
(12 Apr 2015, 11:56 am)Davie wrote The weather

The worse weather I've experienced has to be in the USA there was a hurricane at the time named Wilma when I was there my school buddies thought I was dead due to the bad weather this was in 2005 when I first went to USA but the worse weather in the UK I've experienced was Thunder Thursday in 2012 I was at a mates house named Ryan Sunderland was ok compared to Newcastle then I went to South Shields later on and ended up seeing a bendy bus on 27 (mega rare working) and the only one who managed a shot of it in South Shields
Favourite Company is: Go North East
Favourite Operator in UK is: EYMS
Owner of Bella the Cat

Mood right now: Fustrated and Feel Left Out