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First York
The First of the electric single deckers are now at York however there is a problem as they won't fit under the railway bridge at the top end of Leeman RD. due to the air conditioning being housed in the roof. The council are intending to lower the road under this bridge to accomodate them.
RE: First York
(07 Sep 2023, 8:37 am)ianĀ foster wrote The First of the electric single deckers are now at York however there is a problem as they won't fit under the railway bridge at the top end of Leeman RD. due to the air conditioning being housed in the roof. The council are intending to lower the road under this bridge to accomodate them.

And they've only just realised this?
Did nobody think to get a tape measure out?
RE: First York
(07 Sep 2023, 11:02 am)streetdeckfan wrote And they've only just realised this?
Did nobody think to get a tape measure out?

Don't forget it's City of York council which until the local elections were run by a Lib Dem/green coalition with a miserable scruffy green in charge of transport.
RE: First York
The next bath of electric double deckers are now starting to enter service on route 66 York to University. They are numbered from 36520 and are in a blue and pink livery different but not by much to the batch that entered service last year. There are currently 5 single deckers in service at the moment.