(22 Jul 2016, 8:02 pm)Adrian wrote It needs to be slow moving, so city services are perfect.
The crawl through Gosforth on the X22, at lunchtime, was brilliant! Got loads of new stuff.
My haul of new ones for today:
Assortment of male and female Nidorans and a Nidorino
Several Gastlys
CP335 Bellsprout
Not new, but actually caught a couple of Eevees!
Geodude - next to Monument metro!
A cute little Squirtle
CP218 Cubone
Hatched a Lickitung from a 5km egg

Rather weedy Jynx
Oddish, Meowth and Psyduck (all in Gosforth - also managed to put a sacrificial pigeotto into a recently captured gym, so I could collect a few coins for guarding it. Stayed in there a couple of hours before being kicked out)
Electabuzz, at last! Good one, too - now CP566, as I've used up its candy to power it up.
A couple of Seels
Also caught a couple more Abras and many Drowzees with a CP318 one which should eveolve into something pretty awesome.
I'm resisting evolving anything until I have enough to make using a lucky egg really worthwhile.