(08 Dec 2016, 9:32 pm)Ryan99 wrote The rumours are Durham diamonds 5284-92 to deptford ( X5 ) 2 spares , see it do it Mercs to riverside due to streetlites for 35/35A/36
The 12 to get half the blaydon racers Mercs.
The Durham Diamond Citaro's are terrible, if they were to get Streetltes then Stanley would have 1 less make of bus to worry about, where would 5337/5338 go from Stanley?
I hope the 35/36 get new Streetlites this year, they should get 14+ 1 spare, meaning 3 spare Streetlites at Deptford.... the changes must be working because the only change we've had is the 36 going back through Silksworth..... haha
But there's many rumours around atm, hopefully the new buses start to arrive soon but i don't think we'll see any until the new year and i doubt Dan or Citaro will give any hints