Second stage Evolutions give a massive 10 candies!
Using the Pinap berry either adds 2 or doubles the amount given.
Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go
RE: Pokemon Go
(17 Feb 2017, 12:35 pm)Kuyoyo wrote Second stage Evolutions give a massive 10 candies!
Using the Pinap berry either adds 2 or doubles the amount given.
Wonder how long that'll last before they change it.
I walked from Whitburn to Sunderland today and got quite a few Pokemon.
Also finally got a Gyarados.
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Pokemon Go
Just hatched a Magby from a 5km egg, wasn't it 10k before or i'm i wrong?
I'm finding the game really annoying at the minute, it's just the same Pokemon all the time, even if you away from your area.
I went to Barnes Park/Mowbray Park today and found nothing but the same Pokemon!
I'm hoping to head to Newcastle next week to see what i can find.
People are saying Omanyte and Kabuto have moved down to 5km eggs... Not confirmed though... As they are still under 10km eggs on the link below.
New hatching list here:
I'm finding the game really annoying at the minute, it's just the same Pokemon all the time, even if you away from your area.
I went to Barnes Park/Mowbray Park today and found nothing but the same Pokemon!
I'm hoping to head to Newcastle next week to see what i can find.
People are saying Omanyte and Kabuto have moved down to 5km eggs... Not confirmed though... As they are still under 10km eggs on the link below.
New hatching list here:
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Pokemon Go
(04 Mar 2017, 12:02 am)BusLoverMum wrote Unusual. Didn't get out, today - was painting the bathroom ceiling (though I'm about the same shape as that thnig, as a result!)
I'm currently at 188 caught and 195 seen...
Hatched 4 Phanpy's meaning i could evolve it.
Hatched 2 Lavitar's.
This is my Pokedex...
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Pokemon Go
(04 Mar 2017, 11:27 pm)Michael wrote I'm currently at 188 caught and 195 seen...
Hatched 4 Phanpy's meaning i could evolve it.
Hatched 2 Lavitar's.
This is my Pokedex...
Not going to try to match all those screenshots!
Noticed that there's a bit more consistency in what people are finding in 2nd gen than 1t, at the moment. Might change when we're all getting down to the last few, again.
Had a Totodile hunting day, today. Visited the park between biddick/glebe/washington village, which we noticed was a nest, last week. Unfortunately, only found one there (another despawned) and i was getting too stressed by the Big'un/copious mud combo to hang around for more. Grabbed lunch at Savacentre (will always be that to me!) then headed into Newcastle and caught the 1 to Tynemouth. Did 3km worth of "walking" on that bus! Headed down to the lighthouse and there were loads of Totodiles down there! I've put one on to walk, as I hatched another dratini and I'm only 11km off being able to evolve one for the first time. Tynemouth pier is well worth doing, if only to take some amusing screenshots of not being able to see the pokestop at the end of a very long narrow path!
RE: Pokemon Go
(04 Mar 2017, 11:37 pm)BusLoverMum wrote Not going to try to match all those screenshots!
Noticed that there's a bit more consistency in what people are finding in 2nd gen than 1t, at the moment. Might change when we're all getting down to the last few, again.
Had a Totodile hunting day, today. Visited the park between biddick/glebe/washington village, which we noticed was a nest, last week. Unfortunately, only found one there (another despawned) and i was getting too stressed by the Big'un/copious mud combo to hang around for more. Grabbed lunch at Savacentre (will always be that to me!) then headed into Newcastle and caught the 1 to Tynemouth. Did 3km worth of "walking" on that bus! Headed down to the lighthouse and there were loads of Totodiles down there! I've put one on to walk, as I hatched another dratini and I'm only 11km off being able to evolve one for the first time. Tynemouth pier is well worth doing, if only to take some amusing screenshots of not being able to see the pokestop at the end of a very long narrow path!
Sick of hatching Dratini's, Staru's too... Every egg!
It seems to be the same pokemon unless you hatch eggs. I'm hoping to go futher in the Summer.
Hopefully Gen 3 is out sooner than gen 2 hahah
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Pokemon Go
O, caught 189, see 198.
Here's my second gen, plus the subtle difference between male and female wobbuffet
And one of the end of the pier. The road wet on forever without it in sight
Wrong one of the end of the pier - that was after I got there and caught all the totodile, squirtle and flappyfish!
Here's my second gen, plus the subtle difference between male and female wobbuffet

And one of the end of the pier. The road wet on forever without it in sight
(04 Mar 2017, 11:48 pm)BusLoverMum wrote O, caught 189, see 198.
Here's my second gen, plus the subtle difference between male and female wobbuffet
And one of the end of the pier. The road wet on forever without it in sight
Wrong one of the end of the pier - that was after I got there and caught all the totodile, squirtle and flappyfish!
(04 Mar 2017, 11:48 pm)BusLoverMum wrote O, caught 189, see 198.
Here's my second gen, plus the subtle difference between male and female wobbuffet
And one of the end of the pier. The road wet on forever without it in sight
Wrong one of the end of the pier - that was after I got there and caught all the totodile, squirtle and flappyfish!
RE: Pokemon Go
(04 Mar 2017, 11:48 pm)BusLoverMum wrote O, caught 189, see 198.
Here's my second gen, plus the subtle difference between male and female wobbuffet
And one of the end of the pier. The road wet on forever without it in sight
Wrong one of the end of the pier - that was after I got there and caught all the totodile, squirtle and flappyfish!
Nice, hahaha, looks weird as out with lipstick on.
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Pokemon Go
RE: Pokemon Go
(05 Mar 2017, 10:21 pm)BusLoverMum wrote You seem to buy a lot of incubators!
I only use the blue ones for 10K eggs. It just doesn't feel like the best use of pokecoins, otherwise.
Ye, i buy some everytime i get paid haha
I shouldn't but i do.
Gen 2 are so hard to find... I'm still looking for a few for gen 1.
Corsela seens to be a region exclusive, right in middle of the world..
Heracross is Central America, South America, parts of Florida and Texas
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Pokemon Go
(05 Mar 2017, 10:30 pm)Michael wrote Ye, i buy some everytime i get paid haha
I shouldn't but i do.
Gen 2 are so hard to find... I'm still looking for a few for gen 1.
Corsela seens to be a region exclusive, right in middle of the world..
Heracross is Central America, South America, parts of Florida and Texas
What's that one over Argentina?
RE: Pokemon Go
RE: Pokemon Go
(12 Mar 2017, 5:18 pm)Michael wrote Niceeee, where's that?
Hardwick park. Went in the car, today, since it's way off a bus route!
Picked up some houndour from cleadon park, yesterday and a shuckle from Wharton park. Didn't brave the rain and go in for any more becausethey're blimmin' useless.
Plans for next week include trying to get a qwllfish from Albany park and maybe an outing to north Shields for some yanma. If we don't get out there, there's totodiles at jesmond dean and we could do with a lot more, even after last week's haul. Sunday's family outing might involve a spin around broomside park for some more houndour.
RE: Pokemon Go
(12 Mar 2017, 7:38 pm)BusLoverMum wrote Hardwick park. Went in the car, today, since it's way off a bus route!
Picked up some houndour from cleadon park, yesterday and a shuckle from Wharton park. Didn't brave the rain and go in for any more becausethey're blimmin' useless.
Plans for next week include trying to get a qwllfish from Albany park and maybe an outing to north Shields for some yanma. If we don't get out there, there's totodiles at jesmond dean and we could do with a lot more, even after last week's haul. Sunday's family outing might involve a spin around broomside park for some more houndour.
Ah shame on Hardwick park about not being on a bus route.
Hatched 6, 5k eggs eariler and got.... Tangela and Tyrogue, which i need.... rest was trash
The egg for Tyrogue was from Richmond, which i got on Saturday
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Pokemon Go
(13 Mar 2017, 3:45 pm)Michael wrote Ah shame on Hardwick park about not being on a bus route.
Hatched 6, 5k eggs eariler and got.... Tangela and Tyrogue, which i need.... rest was trash
The egg for Tyrogue was from Richmond, which i got on Saturday
I leveled up to level 32, this afternoon. 750,000xp!
And hatched my 3rd tentacool in a week. Hopefully that's the last of the Tynemouth eggs!
RE: Pokemon Go
(13 Mar 2017, 3:51 pm)BusLoverMum wrote I leveled up to level 32, this afternoon. 750,000xp!
And hatched my 3rd tentacool in a week. Hopefully that's the last of the Tynemouth eggs!
Congrats, I'm level 27 =)
It's Krabby's for me, i need 3 more candies to evolve my Kabuto - walked 75.5KM with it so far.... just can't get them out of eggs
Currently at 192 caught and 199 seen -
Gen 1:
Charizard- just can't find Charmander's
Muk - Can't find or hatch Grimers.
Taurus - region
Gen 2:
Blissey - I don't even have a Chancey!
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: Pokemon Go
(13 Mar 2017, 3:58 pm)Michael wrote Congrats, I'm level 27 =)
It's Krabby's for me, i need 3 more candies to evolve my Kabuto - walked 75.5KM with it so far.... just can't get them out of eggs
Currently at 192 caught and 199 seen -
Gen 1:
Charizard- just can't find Charmander's
Muk - Can't find or hatch Grimers.
Taurus - region
Gen 2:
Blissey - I don't even have a Chancey!
Bigun is off to Edinburgh with school, next week and will be staying right next to a slugma nest!
RE: Pokemon Go
(19 Mar 2017, 1:00 pm)Michael wrote Honestly, i'm getting the same old rubbish from eggs!
Pointless doing them, haven't had a evolution item for AGES, once again, pointless spinning Pokestops for them!
I've never had a single evolution item yet.
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