RE: Go North East: Latest News & Discussion - December 2017
(01 Jan 2018, 12:07 pm)Adrian wrote Seriously? I'd have had them 15 years ago, but its nothing more than a huge downgrade for customers on that route, getting them on their way to Alpha.
There is often plenty of talk about new buses, new features, etc, attracting new passengers and growing services... I wonder how such a downgrade could ever be justified, when the shoe is on the other foot?
The 35 itself has become a bit of a joke service. It has been chopped and changed so many times, that it has completely lost its identity. Without getting into the what, why and how of the changes; I just wish we'd get a new route number when routes are changed so drastically. If its no longer the 35, then why call it the 35? 
I have kept quiet on the whole Solar, council funded upgrades schebang since it was revealed the 35 was being downgraded.
My thoughts on the Solars and the mods are well documented. So I won't go there.
However, if passenger numbers on the 35 are negatively affected as a consequence of the Solar allocation, then GNE only have themselves to blame.
The took the cash, agreed to the t&c's put in front of them and are now stuck in a situation where new vehicles may only be purchased for the service, if growth is demonstrated.
It could be argued that the change from Shields to North Sunderland has affected financial figures negatively. Ditto the diversion and subsequent involvement in the Silksworth 'bus war'.
I can't see how revenues can be greater on the current route compared to its previous incarnation.
I would suggest the extension of the 20, assisted in the business case when purchasing new vehicles for that route.
How long will it be before we see changes again?
I need Fozz to give me a price on the 35 being extended to Shields and also the 35 being merged/amalgamated on to another service from Boldon.
I can't see new vehicles appearing on it otherwise.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'