(28 Mar 2021, 9:34 pm)Rapidsnap wrote I see from Dan's Twitter account that GNE have acquired a number of vehicles from various sources within the Go-Ahead Group.
So far it looks to be:
2x Volvo B7RLE / Wright Eclipse 2 from EYMS (prob 4 altogether given what I mentioned the other week).
1x Scania N94UB / ELC Esteem and 1x Scania N94UB Omnicity from Metrobus, Crawley. Worth noting that the Omnicity that has been brought up was one of the first of the type to enter service in the UK.
1x Volvo B7TL / ADL President from Go-Ahead London.
No doubt we be informed of the fleetnumber of these soon.
The 2 vehicles from Metrobus are loans to be used on school services only (on loan 'til the end of the school year apparently).
Omnicity 6513 will be 9054
Esteem 6615 will be 9055