(01 Aug 2021, 12:47 pm)Adrian wrote I agree, and I've seen a few queries around this already. The merging of the Newcastle and Gateshead bubbles suggest its inclusive, especially when the dashed boundary line doesn't split the two.
There also seems to be some confusion at whether these tickets compliment the existing Go Zones or replace them. Colouring the zones identically to the Go Zones doesn't help here.
I note that the ticket page states "The ticket offers are designed to offer a range of very simple headline fares with easy-to-understand fare zones that match borough and county boundaries.", but I've noticed that Springwell falls outside of the City of Sunderland zone, despite the original Springwell being part of the administrative boundary.
Having got in touch with customer services I was informed that Newcastle is in fact outside of the Gateshead zone, so would result in being charged the full fare rather than it being capped.
It's bordering on false advertising to me, there definitely needs to be something done to make it clearer that it's not included