(04 May 2014, 9:12 am)Dan wrote As reported in this news article, Go North East have sent fourteen vehicles for today's North East Bus & Coach show hosted at the Metrocentre.
I'll be there for 11:30!

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(04 May 2014, 9:12 am)Dan wrote As reported in this news article, Go North East have sent fourteen vehicles for today's North East Bus & Coach show hosted at the Metrocentre.
(03 May 2014, 10:18 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote Just a few commenta/observations from today.
Saw a Solar bendi scooting along Market St tonight. Didn't catch what it was on.
When passing through Gateshead, a NIS 10 branded Gemini, was in the layover area (facing the wrong way) with a guy in a high viz letting a load of kids on.
When in the town, a NIS 10 branded Gemini was whizzing back and forth along streets the 10 doesn't go along.
Does anyone have any info or explanations about the sightings?
Nah, doesn't meet the FPF requirements.
You cant seriously be comparing me and him - can you?
(04 May 2014, 3:50 pm)Robert wrote This years rally is a complete opposite to last years which was high on stalls but low on entrants. Good to see that the Olympian there was from Stanley and as I was going I haven't even looked at the news because I didn't want to know what buses GNE would be having. I noticed that 7087 also popped in with 'Enthusiasts Club' on its dest. It is a shame that Stagecoach aren't that enthusiastic about it now as I think sending some of their new buses would have been a perfect opportunity. The only real improvement for me would be if they parked the old 'Venture' Leopard or whatever it is and the new Venture SR next to each other and that would of been the icing on the cake for me.
(05 May 2014, 4:52 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote The final example, saw us running for a bus which was parked in the bus station.
As we approached it, the indicators went on and as we got to the door, the driver closed them as if to pull away - early.
He faffed on, saw us, shook his head and then opened the door.
I questioned why he had closed the doors as we were standing there and his response made me laugh and left me lost for words.
"You weren't at the door when I closed them and went to pull away. You were running alongside the bus".
(05 May 2014, 6:39 pm)Robert wrote Shocking. I remember last year. Most of the time on a Scholars service we just stick our key cards on the readers and we are accepted but some ask where we want to go. One night we had a driver and done neither of these things and instead just stared at me and it took me at least 10 seconds to think of a reason which was to know where I was going. I then asked if he wanted to know where I was going and his response was 'I don't want to know where you are going but I do want you to tell me where you are going'. I was absolutely disgusted by this so reported this driver to Go North East and got this response a few days later to words of this affect:
'We have suspended the driver for a temporary period while we try and prevent this incident from happening again'. We have had the same driver many times since and nothing has changed apart from me knowing why he keeps staring at me but with most drivers taking no interest in where I want to go and a minority wanting to know it would make sense that he actually asked us anyway.
(05 May 2014, 7:09 pm)aureolin wrote Does anyone know why Get Around users are required to state (and the ETM prompts for) a destination, whereas those with BuzzFare tickets aren't? It seems a bit inconsistent from the outset, but I'm sure there's a reason behind it?
(05 May 2014, 7:12 pm)Marcus wrote It's probably because of the zones or peak times etc. It's like I always pay my 90 pence instead of doing it all online, but although I always wind up paying just 90 pence, some people with Get Around Day Tickets or online things that aren't accepted when they get on at the end of the day at my school (County Durham), because they are getting off in Shiney Row (Tyne and Wear).
(05 May 2014, 7:17 pm)aureolin wrote Sorry I was referring to those with weekly/termly/monthly Get Around tickets stored on their Key card. I don't understand why those are prompted for a destination, when they cover all zones?
(05 May 2014, 9:20 pm)speedwheels22 wrote Thursday traveling to duhram how much is an explorer now and will it get me onto arriva 7 is there boundries for this like use it till certain time are not cheers
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(06 May 2014, 9:06 am)aureolin wrote Notice that 5295 ended up with a smashed windscreen on Sunday. Just seen a photo of it from Eldon Square bus station. Any ideas what happened?
(06 May 2014, 3:32 pm)Marcus wrote I don't know. I'm not too sure, but is it just me, or does Stanley's buses seem to be in accidents or smashes a lot. Fair enough there are a lot of VOR vehicles at other depots, but there was 3821 on that scholars, 5295 just now, 3886 (possibly) on scholars (all within a couple of months) and I think I saw a photo on Flickr of a Diamond Merc in Saltmeadows with a smashed windscreen a while back.
(06 May 2014, 3:44 pm)Dan wrote Providing we're thinking of the same incidents, the Diamond Merc was May 30th 2013:
Coincidentally, one was also on service 78A that evening too:
Photographs above copyright to myself, blahblahblah.
(06 May 2014, 3:32 pm)Marcus wrote I don't know. I'm not too sure, but is it just me, or does Stanley's buses seem to be in accidents or smashes a lot. Fair enough there are a lot of VOR vehicles at other depots, but there was 3821 on that scholars, 5295 just now, 3886 (possibly) on scholars (all within a couple of months) and I think I saw a photo on Flickr of a Diamond Merc in Saltmeadows with a smashed windscreen a while back.
(06 May 2014, 7:54 pm)gtom wrote Yes complete with doctors, hospitals and no doubt....have you had an accident in the past 10 years?