(18 Aug 2014, 6:53 pm)mb134 wrote Praying that Schurrle has the best game of his life, only Chelsea or Burnley player I've got in my team and the rest of it didn't do too well over the weekend so...
Schürrle has just scored

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(18 Aug 2014, 9:36 pm)Andreos Constantopolous wrote Boooo, to the lot of yas :p.
Was hoping Burnley would turn Chelsea over tonight - only cos I didn't have any players playing and didn't want anyone to catch me up.
The H2H hasn't done me any favours either.
Playing someone called Alex Jones (presumably not her off The One Show).
Beat Alex on points, but because one of Alex's defenders hasn't played this weekend, the first sub takes his place. The first sub? Koscielny and his 10pts.
So Alex gets 50 odd points versus my total.
Made a few adaptations to my squad/line up in readiness for next weekends fixtures.
(18 Aug 2014, 9:39 pm)Tom wrote I'm playing someone called Shona Henderson in the H2H which I have beat already as I have 28 and she only has 27 with no Chelsea or Burnley players.
(19 Aug 2014, 7:40 am)danpick wrote As i can't find out my points i counted 97.It won't score you as you joined after GW1 deadline. It'll score you from GW2 onwards.
(19 Aug 2014, 4:33 pm)mb134 wrote Tried to enter the H2H league but it keeps telling me that it is closed? Any reason for this
(11 Jul 2014, 8:40 pm)aureolin wrote Standings after game week 1
NEB Classic League table
1. Jamie's Giants
2. Norfolk & Chance
3. Olegs Meercat Babes
Full standings can be found here: http://fantasy.premierleague.com/my-leag...standings/
NEB Head to Head table
1. Jamie's Giants
2. Norfolk & Chance
3. Olegs Meercat Babes
Bayern Manyoonich 34 - 57 Norfolk & Chance
All That Malarkey 48 - 50 Flatulent Monkeys
Multiple Scorgasms 53 - 34 Shona Dogs Eleven
Constantopolous FC 50 - 57 Olegs Meercat Babes
Arrivaderci 32 - 53 Shatner's Bassoon
Average 47 - 60 Jamie's Giants
Full standings can be found here: http://fantasy.premierleague.com/my-leag...standings/