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RE: General TV thread
(05 Aug 2014, 8:00 pm)aureolin wrote Anyone being watching the EYMS series on Channel 5??

I watched ep.1 and ep.2 but got to catch up with the rest.
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RE: General TV thread
(19 Aug 2014, 5:56 pm)Jimmi wrote Just seen the list of housemates for "Celebrity" Big Brother. I'm now going to spend the next three hours on the internet trying to figure out who the hell these people are.

Obviously not watching it as I think its terrible.

Did you not watch Benefits Street? I fancy watching it for White Dee, as I liked her in Benefits Street.

Ricci from Geordie Shore is in there. Right toss-pot.
RE: General TV thread
(19 Aug 2014, 6:00 pm)Dan wrote Did you not watch Benefits Street? I fancy watching it for White Dee, as I liked her in Benefits Street.

Ricci from Geordie Shore is in there. Right toss-pot.

I saw Benefits Street I liked her in that but its not enough for me to watch, can't really stand Geordie Shore, I saw Ricci go in the house and I wanted to smash the telly as he just went on about how good looking he was for 10 minutes.
RE: General TV thread
Kasabian on the 'red button', playing some sort of gig outside the BBC Studios in London.

The crowd are all suits and aren't really appreciating the music!

Loving it myself like
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
Site Administrator
RE: General TV thread
(12 Sep 2014, 5:57 pm)Michael wrote Anyone watch the chase...

Bradley Welsh's best moments

- part 1 Part 2 - 3:57 is the best Tongue - Big Cock XD

Bradley has to be one of my favourite presenters...

Shared this one on Facebook the other day:
RE: General TV thread
According to Wikipedia, Stars in their Eyes is stated to be making a comeback next year. It will be hosted by Harry Hill.

This is another piece of evidence to show that ITV seem to like the idea of bringing back TV that was popular but didnt transmit any more series for reasons beyond my knowledge.

Catchphrase being one of these. I cant say i like the new round at the beginning (Get 3 players down to 2) but you can get some good laughs out of it just like you did when Roy Walker hosed it all those years ago (didnt really find Nick Weir or Mark Curry that entertaining).

Same as the recent revival of Celebrity Squares. This time, the rules havent been changed but by watching part of the first episode on Wednesday, i did get the impression that the celebrities tried too hard to be as funny as they were when Bob Monkhouse presented it.

These are just my views, yours may be different but getting back onto Stars in their Eyes, if you went on the show, which star would you become? Dont know who id be. Just stay away from JB (just saying his initials, dont even want to type or read his name).
RE: General TV thread
(12 Sep 2014, 7:52 pm)Dan wrote I'd love to see the return of Golden Balls.

Oh yes. As you will probably know from the photo the other day, i love a good old argument Smile
RE: General TV thread
(12 Sep 2014, 8:02 pm)Michael wrote Haha Stars in their eyes, loved that show...

Shame Harry Hill is hosting it... bet he tries to be funny.

Whey aye, he has always tried to be funny. I think ill just watch the first episode when it comes around then go from there. Doubt it'll be successful with me im afraid!
RE: General TV thread
(12 Sep 2014, 8:41 pm)Robert wrote Whey aye, he has always tried to be funny. I think ill just watch the first episode when it comes around then go from there. Doubt it'll be successful with me im afraid!

Same Undecided, currently like DR Who.. good actor.. shit episodes
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: General TV thread
Did anyone watch Eastenders then?

I thought the explosion was quite good, the make up for kat's burns looked quite good to.
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: General TV thread
Don't usually watch Celebrity Juice, but as Katie Hospkins was on this past week I decided to watch on Catch Up, I don't think I have laughed at anything so much in my life, for those who haven't seen this episode the link is below, Personally I can't stand her at all and only watched to see get ripped to shreds.

On a different note, I made this Photo edit a while back and as you can see I am pretty much an amateur when it comes to this sort of thing.

RE: General TV thread
My mam is watching Don't Tell the Bride and the lass is just going "I thought he would get it right" and "this is not the wedding I wanted" If you wanted the wedding you wanted you shouldn't have been so tight and not gone on this show.

Why does no one who goes on this show secretly discuss what they want for their wedding before applying to go on this show Huh
Site Administrator
RE: General TV thread
(19 Sep 2014, 2:28 pm)Michael wrote Did anyone watch Eastenders then?

I thought the explosion was quite good, the make up for kat's burns looked quite good to.

Didn't see this post at the time, but aye, I did.
Really hoped to see Alfie and Kat having a 'happy ever after' (ie getting the insurance money), but it doesn't look like that's going to happen, given that Tosh grassed Alfie up and Kat was in tears on that promo ad. Really hate Tosh, mind!

My mam said today that Shirley's involved in the gun going off - didn't say whether she was one taking the bullet or not though!
Really hoping to see Phil and Shirley get together too. She's one of my favourite characters because of her quick wit and honesty, and I think Phil's a perfect match.
General TV thread
(12 Sep 2014, 7:52 pm)Dan wrote I'd love to see the return of Golden Balls.

When I was 7, my sister used to do Ballet on a Friday night, so my parents would take me up to my Grandad's and we would watch a few episodes of Golden Balls, then the A-Team followed by Last of the Summer Wine. Memories......
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General TV thread
(23 Sep 2014, 8:48 pm)Jimmi wrote My mam is watching Don't Tell the Bride and the lass is just going "I thought he would get it right" and "this is not the wedding I wanted" If you wanted the wedding you wanted you shouldn't have been so tight and not gone on this show.

Why does no one who goes on this show secretly discuss what they want for their wedding before applying to go on this show Huh

I can't help but watch that show - love it when the groom cocks it up. Some of the brides are so bitchy and couldn't care less about how hard their boys have been working. One looked like she was going to kill herself over having a few buttons on her wedding dress!!
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RE: General TV thread
(25 Sep 2014, 6:56 pm)Dan wrote Peggy Mitchell!

Never watch it, but happened to be flicking at that time.

If she was 'abroad', I will eat hay with a donkey!

'Illegitimis non carborundum'