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What's annoying you today? V2

What's annoying you today? V2

What's annoying you today? V2
Another annoyance - my sister has her newest friend around since starting PV in Year 7. Pissed off she's staying for the night.....let me explain.....

'Oh has Elise been to your house before', 'Oh my god you can see the cricket ground from here', 'Oh is this your room of your brother's room', 'Aww your puppy is so cute' SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!
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RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(03 Oct 2014, 3:23 pm)Marcus wrote Another annoyance - my sister has her newest friend around since starting PV in Year 7. Pissed off she's staying for the night.....let me explain.....

'Oh has Elise been to your house before', 'Oh my god you can see the cricket ground from here', 'Oh is this your room of your brother's room', 'Aww your  puppy is so cute' SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!

LMAO, typical girls... 
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
Marxista Fozzski
Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(03 Oct 2014, 11:29 am)Jimmi wrote Oh joy! I'm sat in front of some chavy scum who in the space of 3 minutes have said the following:

Black c***

I hope people who fall into these categories beat the shit out of you.
I hate no.1 and no.2, c*** especially...

As for the 2nd words, it is right up with words like Spastic and Spacker, I have a downs syndrome and it really fucks me off when people are referred as retards or mongs.

The word faggot does not bother me so much, as it never bothered a homosexual friend of mine, he always made a joke out of being gay...

I remember years ago in Asda, I asked a member of staff if they sold faggots, they lookes at me like I was an idiot...

The best I came across was in Iceland, got a box of 4 faggots and on the receipt as Brains 4 Faggots another time it said Bra 4 faggots

[Image: d4f9b48add4f87dd1dada9b3478bef46.jpg]
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
it is right up with words like Spastic and Spacker, I have a downs syndrome and it really fucks me off when people are referred as retards or mongs.
Yep, usually someone says or does stupid and their mate responds with "you f**king mong"
Really wanted to punch some stupid fat faced twat on the X66 the other week for saying mong for the full 45 minute journey over and over again.
Marxista Fozzski
Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(03 Oct 2014, 4:14 pm)Jimmi wrote Yep, usually someone says or does stupid and their mate responds with "you f**king mong"
Really wanted to punch some stupid fat faced twat on the X66 the other week for saying mong for the full 45 minute journey over and over again.

That is another word I hate, I reserve like twat and c*** for socities biggest wankers...

I remember coming from Spennymoor to Durham, a little boy who had obvious learning disabilities, was sitting singing to himself and I over heard an old couple taking the piss saying something like 'By christ, I know what Simon Cowell would say to him on X-Factor' in the end I said to them 'Look, the difference between you and him, he can go get singing lessons if he wanted to, whereas you are going to dead' I got called a cocky, cheeky bastard as I walked away laughing
Site Administrator
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
Plans for this weekend out the window as I've broken my toe! Only my little one, but seem to be getting pins and needles when I walk. Nothing wrong with the foot itself (just incredibly swolen) but doc advised me to stay in this weekend...

I'll refrain from uploading a photo of my somewhat deformed purpley red grey toe. Tongue

Thankfully doesn't hurt much - just when it's prodded...
Marxista Fozzski
Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(03 Oct 2014, 7:54 pm)Dan wrote Plans for this weekend out the window as I've broken my toe! Only my little one, but seem to be getting pins and needles when I walk. Nothing wrong with my foot itself (just incredibly swolen) but doc advised me to stay in this weekend...

I'll refrain from uploading a photo of my somewhat deformed purpley red grey toe. Tongue

Thankfully doesn't hurt much - just when it's prodded...

Go on, ya know ya want to lmao...

How you manage to do that mate, I remember when David Beckham broke his metatarsal in 2002, I broke my metatarsal in 1997, when nobody had really heard of the metatarsal bone, back then it was nothing more than my little toe, was daft as I had to wear a cast up to my knee for 6 weeks
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
Guy handing out lighters in a pub am in and I do not smoke at all
Favourite Company is: Go North East
Favourite Operator in UK is: EYMS
Owner of Bella the Cat

Mood right now: Fustrated and Feel Left Out
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
Apart from illegal substances, I have been offered meat, fish, coats and random other stuff over the years in pubs.

Filling the car at the Jet garage in Ouston and some guys in a van turned up, asking if I wanted to buy a settee off them!
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(03 Oct 2014, 9:56 pm)Andreos1 wrote Lighters?
Apart from illegal substances, I have been offered meat, fish, coats and random other stuff over the years in pubs.

Filling the car at the Jet garage in Ouston and some guys in a van turned up, asking if I wanted to buy a settee off them!

A settee am getting one soon they haven't offered anyone in my family meat for years or fish since my Granda was alive he once pretended he got free meat from the pub but some neighbour told my grandma and she went crazy by grandma this was sometime in 70s  and were funny and a good laugh the pair of them but we do have a daft side every now and again
Favourite Company is: Go North East
Favourite Operator in UK is: EYMS
Owner of Bella the Cat

Mood right now: Fustrated and Feel Left Out
Marxista Fozzski
Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(04 Oct 2014, 1:12 pm)Racer_Experience wrote A settee am getting one soon they haven't offered anyone in my family meat for years or fish since my Granda was alive he once pretended he got free meat from the pub but some neighbour told my grandma and she went crazy by grandma this was sometime in 70s  and were funny and a good laugh the pair of them but we do have a daft side every now and again
I used to flog gear round pubs in Sunderland, Newcastle and it's suburbs, Me and my mate were a bit like Del Boy and Rodney(Dave)Big Grin sold whatever my mate got his hands on, watches, caps, beanie hats, boxer shorts, the odd pair of y-fronts and loads of knickers, booze and cigarettes, I ended up getting a life ban from a pub past up Crook way, tried flog them some Vodka, they were having none of it and I got put out when I tried to see stuff to there punters Big Grin
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(03 Oct 2014, 9:56 pm)Andreos1 wrote Lighters?
Apart from illegal substances, I have been offered meat, fish, coats and random other stuff over the years in pubs.

Filling the car at the Jet garage in Ouston and some guys in a van turned up, asking if I wanted to buy a settee off them!

If only you just got offered lighters in the fine pubs of Gateshead high street. Big Grin I used to play pool through there years ago, and got offered everything from knocked off alcohol, to drugs, to national front membership forms!
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What's annoying you today? V2
(06 Oct 2014, 6:24 am)Michael wrote Worst night sleep ever... went to bed at 11:30pm, was still awake at 4:30am....

Same. Watched Family Guy until 10:45, then tossed and turned until about midnight. Took my top off because I felt like I was going to pass out with the heat, and I think I just about got 3 hours sleep in total.....
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Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(06 Oct 2014, 6:43 am)Marcus wrote Same. Watched Family Guy until 10:45, then tossed and turned until about midnight. Took my top off because I felt like I was going to pass out with the heat, and I think I just about got 3 hours sleep in total.....
I had 8 hours sleep (2245 to 0645) and I'm still shattered.

My English teacher has left school to have an operation and she's gone until at least Christmas... In the mean time, I've got a teacher I don't like.

I wished my English teacher a VERY speedy recovery on Friday, but I'm somewhat worried she won't return.

So my annoyance for every Monday, Tuesday and Friday is...that.
What's annoying you today? V2
(06 Oct 2014, 6:46 am)Dan wrote I had 8 hours sleep (2245 to 0645) and I'm still shattered.

My English teacher has left school to have an operation and she's gone until at least Christmas... In the mean time, I've got a teacher I don't like.

I wished my English teacher a VERY speedy recovery on Friday, but I'm somewhat worried she won't return.

My French teacher will be off until the end of half-term; and we don't know if she'll return. I don't like our supply teacher.
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RE: What's annoying you today? V2
Heat?, it was freezing last night lol

Ugh i hated that so much.... i had the same problem last year with teachers being off at uni...
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
Bloody metro delayed now am on a better method of transport aka a nice bus to Newcastle to photo the green DFDS seaways
Favourite Company is: Go North East
Favourite Operator in UK is: EYMS
Owner of Bella the Cat

Mood right now: Fustrated and Feel Left Out
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
Chavy lass pushed in front of me in That's Entertainment in Middlesbrough, also because I kicked up a fuss and the beardy alcoholic looking guy she was with pointed out to let me go first and the woman stayed where she was which I wasn't happy about as I was going to pay on card but because she was so close I ended up paying in cash.

Also some prick has just ran at a flock of birds and now they are flying away scared into my face.
Marxista Fozzski
Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(06 Oct 2014, 12:58 pm)Jimmi wrote Chavy lass pushed in front of me in That's Entertainment in Middlesbrough, also because I kicked up a fuss and the beardy alcoholic looking guy she was with pointed out to let me go first and the woman stayed where she was which I wasn't happy about as I was going to pay on card but because she was so close I ended up paying in cash.

Also some prick has just ran at a flock of birds and now they are flying away scared into my face.

One thing I hate is people feeding birds in Sunderland, one day an old guy was chucking bits of Greggs pasty about till it got to the point where I threatened to shove a pigeon and seagull up his arse at the same time [emoji1]
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
One thing I hate is people feeding birds in Sunderland, one day an old guy was chucking bits of Greggs pasty about till it got to the point where I threatened to shove a pigeon and seagull up his arse at the same time
Some lasses were doing that whilst I was stood waiting for the X66 in Stockton.
Marxista Fozzski
Re: RE: What's annoying you today? V2
(06 Oct 2014, 8:46 pm)Jimmi wrote Some lasses were doing that whilst I was stood waiting for the X66 in Stockton.
The words 'keep going or it's gonna be shoved up your ringpiece...sideways' normally does the trick hahaha [emoji12]
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
On the subject of teachers, im actually quite happy with the selection that i have got this year. No bad teachers at all. My worst is probably my tutor who is really annoying. He knows why im always late - thats why i have been late and he has asked why, i have replied with 'bus' and some mornings i just get a 'hurry up'. If he thinks i am going to change my walkspeed because its after 8:45 then he, quite frankly, can sod right off.
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
I didn't stop up to watch Raw till 4am This Morning as I'm at Ingeus This Afternoon, So I log in to Facebook to see if I have any Notifications or Messages, and the first thing I see is a Picture of Rusev and Lana face 2 face with The Rock.
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
Got to Lincoln bus station this morning, to see an L reg Brylaine Alexander B10 laying over.
Chuffed to bits at the thought of sitting on that for over an hour, rather than the Ikarus I had on the last visit - I almost broke into tears, as it pulled away NIS, following the arrival of a Solo.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
RE: What's annoying you today? V2
Annoying bus passengers.

Just had to endure 50 minutes on service 7 where some bitch had her legs pressed against the back of the seat which hurts my back and then when we reached Ryder Park some chavy prick she knew got on so he sat next to hear although with how loud they were talking so loud you'd be mistaken for thinking they were shouting at the driver and I was sat right in front of them so imagine how loud I'm hearing it and also the lad kept putting his muddy feet on the seat next to me and at one point I had to move my legs because I thought I was going to get his mucky foot print on my jeans. I was so unbelievably close to either shouting at them or smacking the pair of them and if I had to sit on that bus any longer it probably would have happened. (I don't want to hit them but when I'm this angry these thoughts start coming into my head)

I do think that I have an anger problem and does anyone have any advice for ways to help me cope when these situations happen.