(24 Feb 2015, 5:03 pm)Malarkey wrote Reckon the person who makes the 100,000th Post should get an NEB Award, like a Get Around Ticket or something.
What about us that have free travel....

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(24 Feb 2015, 5:05 pm)citaro5284 wrote What about us that have free travel....
(24 Feb 2015, 9:33 pm)MrFozz wrote Thought this was amusing...
MI5 agents giving evidence in a terror trial in New York are doing so heavily disguised, wearing wigs and makeup, a BBC Correspondent pretty much said it was something akin to Broadway
(25 Feb 2015, 1:05 pm)AIG20 wrote Something to look forward to next month (March 20th):
Biggest solar eclipse in 16 years set to plunge Britain into darkness = ITV News
Solar eclipse to be visible from South Tyneside = Shields Gazette
(25 Feb 2015, 4:30 pm)MrFozz wrote Was anyone off here at Dalton Park today...
Saw someone taking photos, I woulda come said hi, but decided to 'do a Marcus' as I just wanted to get home
(25 Feb 2015, 4:58 pm)Jimmi wrote I was between around 16:15 and 16:30.
Did someone on here say alright to me in Sunderland around 15:30.
(25 Feb 2015, 5:14 pm)MrFozz wrote Even though I don't personally know you, I thought it might have been u for some reason, you took a picture of the bus I was on(5322 perhaps, definately in the 53xx range) and I was looking right at youprobably too far away to have picked me up looking at ya
I would have got off and said hi, I just wanted to get home mate
(26 Feb 2015, 8:37 pm)MurdnunoC wrote Just picked up my work-pants to get some money from the pocket and discovered a white, chalky substance all over the back of them.You haven't sat on someones supply of cocaine at any point have you
I don't recall being anywhere white today which begs the question what is it and how long has it been there?
(27 Feb 2015, 7:16 pm)mb134 wrote Has anyone else seen this, been all over today:So Do I...
What does everyone else see, I see white and gold...