RE: What's annoying you today? V2
The best way I got someone to stop tormenting me was to sit in the class just after dinner, I had half a brick tucked away in my bag, when he walked in, I had the brick in hand and said 'Right, C**t, lets settle this right now', he watched me grab the brick and I have never seen anyone move so fast...He would have broke the 100m world record if a timekeeper was on hand...The thing is, had I of caught him, I would have been for either GBH w/intent, attempted murder or Pre-Meditated Murder as I had planned exactly what I was going to do to him, lets just say it would have quite gruesome and messy, I meant business and he never bothered me again, my life could have been so different if I caught up with him.
So Marcus, I dont condone violence, I would not encourage people to resort to it, only as a last resort, but sometimes, going to the extreme can work out in your favour, if you feel you can stand up to this kid 1on1, go for it, just dont think along the lines of how I did and dont have cold blooded murder on your mind