Anything and Everything
Anything and Everything
Anything and Everything
Something I had to look at twice today, reading about Mohammad Emwazi aka Jihadi John...His favourite band growing up.....S Club 7...
He is no laughing matter, but I find it amusing the Worlds Most Wanted Man would ever like S Club 7...I find it as funny as Osama Bin Laden supporting Arsenal
He is no laughing matter, but I find it amusing the Worlds Most Wanted Man would ever like S Club 7...I find it as funny as Osama Bin Laden supporting Arsenal

Anything and Everything
I see Gary Glitter has been sent to jail for 16 years...I hope he gets buggered to death...
Should have did this to him
Should have did this to him
Anything and Everything
(27 Feb 2015, 9:23 pm)MrFozz wrote I see Gary Glitter has been sent to jail for 16 years...I hope he gets buggered to death...
Should have did this to him
Wouldn't mind seeing 'Execution of Jimmy Saville' or 'Execution of Rolf Harris'.

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RE: Anything and Everything
Just realised that the description I wrote on the photo of the service 23 StreetLite on the 6 I uploaded on Tuesday is now incorrect since Arriva have changed their plans for Sapphire on the 6, 22 and 24. So nearly 600 people have viewed the photo now with this caption and slightly worried people may think I'm a liar now what I wrote is wrong. This is embarrassing!
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RE: Anything and Everything
(28 Feb 2015, 7:27 pm)Jimmi wrote Just realised that the description I wrote on the photo of the service 23 StreetLite on the 6 I uploaded on Tuesday is now incorrect since Arriva have changed their plans for Sapphire on the 6, 22 and 24. So nearly 600 people have viewed the photo now with this caption and slightly worried people may think I'm a liar now what I wrote is wrong. This is embarrassing!
Nah they wont, most people know plans are fluid and things change, don't worry about it.
RE: Anything and Everything
(28 Feb 2015, 7:30 pm)citaro5284 wrote Nah they wont, most people know plans are fluid and things change, don't worry about it.
Hope so.
Until a few days ago what I wrote was actually supposed to happen, it's not my fault they've changed their minds since I posted that.
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RE: Anything and Everything
Has anyone seen the Woodpecker and Weasel photo?
Thought it was some sort of joke when it appeared on fb earlier.
Has anyone seen the Woodpecker and Weasel photo?
Thought it was some sort of joke when it appeared on fb earlier.
'Illegitimis non carborundum'
RE: Anything and Everything
The Supercomputer from Ant and Decs Saturday Night Takeaway will be in the Metrocentre on 8th March (9am for a morning session and 2pm for an afternoon session)
Anything and Everything
I see more Swans have died in Marcus' back garden, now 50+
Is killing a swan still a very serious offence on account of Swans are protected by the Crown???
Is killing a swan still a very serious offence on account of Swans are protected by the Crown???
Anything and Everything
(03 Mar 2015, 10:06 pm)MrFozz wrote I see more Swans have died in Marcus' back garden, now 50+
Is killing a swan still a very serious offence on account of Swans are protected by the Crown???
Lead-poisoning from what I hear...probably the chavs from school chucking pencils they mistook for cigarettes in the river...
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RE: Anything and Everything
(03 Mar 2015, 10:06 pm)MrFozz wrote I see more Swans have died in Marcus' back garden, now 50+
Is killing a swan still a very serious offence on account of Swans are protected by the Crown???
Info from Google.
Swans are protected birds and the Crown retains the right to ownership of all unmarked mute swans in open water. They are seen as a delicacy in some parts of the world but it is illegal to kill swans in this country and anyone found to be doing so faces a fine of up to £5,000 or a six-month jail sentence
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RE: Anything and Everything
(03 Mar 2015, 10:10 pm)Jimmi wrote Info from Google.
Swans are protected birds and the Crown retains the right to ownership of all unmarked mute swans in open water. They are seen as a delicacy in some parts of the world but it is illegal to kill swans in this country and anyone found to be doing so faces a fine of up to £5,000 or a six-month jail sentence
That could potentially be the most expensive Sunday dinner if you kill one to eat it.
Never thought about murdering swans before, but I did once drown a hamster, as I wanted to know if it could swim popped a cold water fish in the netty bowl and flushed it to see what would happen wanted to behead a chicken once when I was off my nut as I wanted to witness a headless chicken run arounf without its head...
Guess I was a f*****g sadistic c**t when I was young
RE: Anything and Everything
RE: Anything and Everything
(03 Mar 2015, 10:19 pm)MrFozz wrote That could potentially be the most expensive Sunday dinner if you kill one to eat it.
Never thought about murdering swans before, but I did once drown a hamster, as I wanted to know if it could swim popped a cold water fish in the netty bowl and flushed it to see what would happen wanted to behead a chicken once when I was off my nut as I wanted to witness a headless chicken run arounf without its head...
Guess I was a f*****g sadistic c**t when I was young
That's as random as fuck. :s
RE: Anything and Everything
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Anything and Everything
(05 Mar 2015, 8:06 pm)aureolin wrote
Gotta love how many times it looks like they're having oral sex.

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RE: Anything and Everything
(05 Mar 2015, 8:06 pm)aureolin wrote class...
I was once the Heavyweight Champion of Nevilles Cross

When in Gran Canaria, me and my mate had a bit of a wrestle, had him on my shoulders and hoisted him further up(like The Undertakers Last Ride) when we hit the water, his back was covered in blisters and every blister on his back and he was in agony and caught my arse bone on the side of the pool...
Happy days lol [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
RE: Anything and Everything
(05 Mar 2015, 8:08 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote Gotta love how many times it looks like they're having oral sex.
Can't say I noticed haha. Was too busy being buckled at the WWE commentary to his finishers.
He's also done this one -
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