RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(09 Mar 2015, 11:08 am)Andreos1 wrote Two things annoying me today, but sticking them in here, due to the nature of them.
The first one, relates to Thatcher. Always had my suspicions and now it appears to be true
The second 'annoyance', goes to back to a post I made previously about the dictatorship that is the EU and the un-elected President Junker wanting to form an EU army.
Would not surprise if abuse went right to the heart of No.10 with Dennis Thatcher involved in some way...
How would a Pan-European Armed Force work, would it be like the UN when they do peacekeeping, would each country keep there own Forces or would they all be absorbed by the EU Armed Forces...
Is this just Juncker sabre rattling in Russias face, if it went ahead, would EU members be obligated to join and would future entries into the EU be made to join the Pan European Forces as a condition for EU Membership...
(09 Mar 2015, 5:32 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote Don't think I've ever made a good presence in this thread, so now may be the time. I have a politically-interested friend who informs me of a lot things, and he is a Conservative-obsessed guy. Very intelligent too, could prove you wrong in a situation he has little knowledge of.
I have always agreed with UKIP's policies, but I fear being seen as a racist. If I had to pick out of the 4 when I first vote - they'll get mine.
My mam's side of the family (primarily coal mining) has always been a (well, there's only her now! [emoji14]) Labour family - strongly opposed and despising of Conservatives. Her side of the family was literally torn apart during the fights for the pits against Margaret Thatcher.
Whereas my dad's side of the family (which in comparison between him and my mam, he had a much better upbringing in a middle-class environment) has always been Conservative, and opposed to Labour.
A hard battle to fight, but I know for a fact we have always gone with Conservative since Labour got the push out office a few years ago.
My thoughts on the Liberal Democrats: can't stand that Nick Clegg, wanting us to go to school on Saturdays...citaro5284 wouldn't get his reviews for gods sake! [emoji14] On a serious note, I literally can't stand them or anything they stand for.
A lot of lives were ruined by Thatcher in the Miners Strike, families split up and lifelong friendships smashed by what seemed Thatcher using divide and conquer tactics and communities suffered and paid a hefty price, those of us who are older will have witnessed the demise of once proud mining communities...Thatcher was never going to be beaten by the Miners, if she was gonna get beat, I reckon if she were to be beaten she would have taken the country down with her.
As for school on a Saturday, I used to goto school for half day on Saturdays when I went to Choristers in Durham, but anything that deprives Citaro of a Marcus review is bad for bus companies takings, lol
(09 Mar 2015, 6:16 pm)MarcTheA4 wrote Independence.
Another that I've always liked is that we would pay exactly the same student fees as International students. Assuming I've got this right, and not wrong, that would mean I would pay less for university, and everyone would be equal. Like someone once said to me - 'money is necessary for survival, not matter how much you have'. My thoughts on it are cheaper things are, no matter how much you have to spare, will always appeal.
Without wanting to come across as racist, I like the whole 'British jobs for British people' idea. Like always, if I expand on that point, I'll end up digging myself a I'll leave that one there.
Although, having said that, one thing that would worry me was the fact I heard that Nigel Farage doesn't have a degree or further education? Do you know this to be true? I must say, that would put me off slightly.
So I guess you are Euro-Sceptic in your beliefs.
I am almost sure Farage has no further education or university degree, bit he did goto a top Independent School, Dulwich College I think. He went from there to work in the City of London, just because someone never went to college or got a degree would not stop me voting for someone. I personally think Farage is fcukwit and utter c***t, a total ballbag and bell end
I could probably use every swear word known to man to describe what I feel about Big Nige...But I think the same of most politicians