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Politics (and other political stuff)

Politics (and other political stuff)

RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
Clegg still comes across quite sincere, but lets not forget he shafted the students last time he was like this!

Miliband is a lot better a public speaker than people give him credit for.
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RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
I'm sure Farage is pissed. One trick pony, and it's certainly showing tonight.

Input from Greens / Plaid / SNP has been really good, and it's good to see Leanne Wood especially, challenging Labour on austerity.
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Politics (and other political stuff)
(02 Apr 2015, 8:39 pm)citaro5284 wrote This is the worse episode of the Weakest Link I have seen...

Each time any of them get up and say something - *you are the weakest link, goodbye*. [emoji23]
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RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(02 Apr 2015, 8:48 pm)mb134 wrote Which channel was it on, I missed it as I was out, but will try to catch up tomorrow on demand, cheers Smile 

It was on ITV.
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(02 Apr 2015, 8:59 pm)MurdnunoC wrote Or Fifteen-to-One!

More appropriate actually. 7 people and only 1 can come out on top. Sorry Citaro! You were watching the wrong programme Tongue 
Marxista Fozzski
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(02 Apr 2015, 7:35 pm)aureolin wrote I'm sure Farage is pissed. One trick pony, and it's certainly showing tonight.

Input from Greens / Plaid / SNP has been really good, and it's good to see Leanne Wood especially, challenging Labour on austerity.
Did Big Nige actually present an argument that did not focus on the EU/Immigration/health tourism...

I just think he looked like a 6' knob on 2 legs...

The polls seem to point towards a victory for Nicola Sturgeon...theres something fishy about that woman [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
(02 Apr 2015, 8:54 pm)Robert wrote It was on ITV.
Was also on BBC News 24 as well

Am I the only person who thinks Leanne Wood is a bit of a MILF [FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY]
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
@fozz - Farage pretty much blamed everything and anything on foreigners. He stopped short of blaming X12/X2 lateness on eastern European migrants like... Wink
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Marxista Fozzski
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(02 Apr 2015, 9:31 pm)aureolin wrote @fozz - Farage pretty much blamed everything and anything on foreigners. He stopped short of blaming X12/X2 lateness on eastern European migrants like... Wink
What was he going on about when he was talking about HIV/Aids, I pretty much turned my Farage volume down by that point
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(02 Apr 2015, 9:34 pm)MrFozz wrote What was he going on about when he was talking about HIV/Aids, I pretty much turned my Farage volume down by that point
He managed to link that to foreigners, trying to suggest the majority of treatment was for non-nationals. The bloke is a right tool.
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Marxista Fozzski
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(02 Apr 2015, 9:36 pm)aureolin wrote He managed to link that to foreigners, trying to suggest the majority of treatment was for non-nationals. The bloke is a right tool.
So basically, he links HIV/Aids to an influx of Romanians...

Question for ya mate...Farage goes on about an Australian points based Immigration System, is that a system we could move towards or would it breach the EU policy of free movement?????
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(02 Apr 2015, 9:40 pm)MrFozz wrote So basically, he links HIV/Aids to an influx of Romanians...

Question for ya mate...Farage goes on about an Australian points based Immigration System, is that a system we could move towards or would it breach the EU policy of free movement?????

It couldn't be done with the current EU rules.
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RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(02 Apr 2015, 9:36 pm)aureolin wrote He managed to link that to foreigners, trying to suggest the majority of treatment was for non-nationals. The bloke is a right tool.
Should have recorded it and turned it into a drinking game, everytime Farage blames foreigners you have to have a shot [emoji2]

Dread to think how mortal You'd get!
Marxista Fozzski
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(02 Apr 2015, 9:42 pm)aureolin wrote It couldn't be done with the current EU rules.
So, bottom line being, to implement a points based immigration we would probably have to pull out of Europe?
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
(02 Apr 2015, 9:43 pm)MrFozz wrote So, bottom line being, to implement a points based immigration we would probably have to pull out of Europe?
It's unclear, because no one has been daft enough to try it. I can't see other countries standing for it, that's for sure...
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Marxista Fozzski
RE: Politics (and other political stuff)
Some of these polls had Big Nige doing quite well...Who were these people polling

People have been going on about UKIP and the supposed Political earthquake they have supposedly been causing the year or 2, going by what limited knowledge I have on politics and what I have seen tonight and over the last few years, I dread the day if Nigel Farage was ever in a position of power...

Is there any chance of them making a real impact in May, most projections I have seen on the BBC only projects UKIP winning 2 seats at the Election
Marxista Fozzski
Politics (and other political stuff)
Why was there no Northern Ireland representation???

It is obvious why McGuinness or Adams would not be there in the first place considering the shinners don't recognise Westminsters power in the 6 Counties, but why no DUP