Just an update on my own predictions for rest of the order
Being confirmed:
Omnidekkers - How many, were not sure. - Pronto - replaces the B7's
4 B9's for the 47, Joins the Red Kite brand - Eclipses move on the FAB 57
B7's to a spare role
FAB 57 - B10's
Next lot:
East Durham - Solo Sr's... what is the PVR?, GNE fleet shows 15 and the fleet list on here shows 8?
Decker order... i have no idea... which services deserve decker's...... or will GNE just buy them to start replacing the Lolyne's?
East Durham MPD's
Edit: - GNE keep start and stopping with these repaints
RE: Go North East: 2014/15 Financial Year Order Predictions
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.