(01 May 2015, 5:56 pm)Malarkey wrote No idea but they were all a bunch of arseholes, got told off by one of them one Match for taking my Hat and Jumper off as I was about to pass out due to it being over 20 Degrees on this particular day, took me around to the office and demanded I put them back on as I flat out refused to do so at the bar, in the end as he wasnt listening to me so I dumped them on his desk and told him to piss off, before walking out of the office and back around to the bar.
I got on ok with the gaffers, most of the time my Team Leader was my dad, our stand manager was great, Dave Moses was a good boss, I decided to have a day off and meet some lads from Birmingham when Aston Villa came up in 2009, I went in the Away End, word somehow got back to Dave, I was appaeantly very easy to pick out, I was the only person out of nearly 2,500 fans trying to hide my face, I stood out like a sore thumb with my hood up and scarf round my face.
Moses also had an in-built David detector, as if he psychicly knew when I was talking too loud...Moses was like an RKO he would turn up out of nowhere
I also used to be team leader now and again...When The Fuhrer left, a woman called Rita(from Pompey) took over temporarily, then Nigel came and finally Lianne Henderson...Lianne was canny, but was out of her depth...I decided to leave in 2011, as I could not be arsed with the grief from Lindley Managers