On Thursday TV channel E4 will close down between 7am-7pm in a bid to get younger people to go out in vote in the election.
Bit pointless really as it is too late to register to vote and do we really think people watching repeats of the Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother in the middle of the day would really bother to go out and vote and in fairness do we really want people watching E4 daytime repeats to affect the outcome of who will run the country.
I have to say that I sort of fall into this category as I haven't registered to vote and even if I did I probably still wouldn't vote simply because I do not know enough about this sort of thing so I wouldn't begin to know who to vote for and I would rather not vote than just pick a party at random as I would not want to feel responsible for making the decision I had made if things go wrong. I just don't have enough interest and enough knowledge to know who to vote for and some of the things they come out with, I wish I did know more and could take an interest but I just can't seem to find any real interest in this and to make a sensible decision of who to vote for.
Politics (and other political stuff)