The first Nintendo product I ever owned, was a Gamecube - £34 from Argos as the Wii was launched 9/10 years ago.
Sega all the way for me, even if on World Cup Italia 90, you could only score a goal from two positions on the pitch!
Never owned either of those brands, can remember Naff Naff, but not the other one.
All the lasses at school, would turn up at the youth club in their Joe Bloggs jeans, Sweatershop jumper, with a Naff Naff jacket over the top and their hair full of lumious scrunchies - lush!
Me, I was happy with my Joe Bloggs jeans and a Global Hypercolour T-Shirt, with a curtains and bowl hair cut - classy!
Speaking of haircuts, was it just me, or did those Chelsea skin heads that some lads have, look sackless?
Frindge/tuft of hair at the front and the rest shaved off...