(10 May 2015, 5:52 pm)Andreos1 wrote Details of the planned cuts.
I have a feeling, this is only the beginning.
Of course it's only he beginning, but I really do fear.
They may get a round of applause at their annual conference when they announce plans to trample all over families relying on benefits, a lot of which are actually in work but low waged, but it's the kids that lose out. If having so many people reliant on food banks isn't enough, they're now going to drag even more children into poverty.
What next? Ah, the disabled and the vulnerable. An easy target for the spiteful Tories to have another swipe or two at those, they perceive, can't (or won't) fight back. Lets see how many more deaths there are at the result of their evil policies.
The real problem with this lot is that they won't be beaten. If anyone dares to put up a challenge to them, then they'll use their power to change the law to retrospectively fix it or make sure it won't happen again. We seen that with the workfare court cases, not to mention the relentless attacks on activists in the civil service.