(18 May 2015, 8:52 pm)Sidthebusbabe wrote Ok, that's just what one of the drivers told me. So is it correct that they were built in 2015?
Pretty sure those models weren't constructed this year. Not 100% guaranteed like.
Stories emerged a while back about the model being discontinued.
Logic would suggest that a handful of vehicles in dealer stock, would not be built and sold within the first few months of the year. They could be sitting around for months before purchase.
(Pretty sure Nissan still have the mid 90's model of Micra sitting in their car parks awaiting sale )
Business sense would suggest that the company wouldn't rush through a handful last minute orders on the off-chance they would be sold. Obviously anything that isn't to operator spec, would incur costs by the operator during a re-fit.
A good negotiator, would look at reducing the outlay, by looking to lower the purchase price. This in turn, lowers Wrights margins and again would be a reason to suggest they have been standing a while.
Anything that was still on the production line towards the end of the build dates, would be built to operator specifications.
No confirmed ideas on dates and not saying I am correct, just trying to apply logic.