(30 May 2015, 10:04 pm)Jimmi wrote As you may have seen earlier in the Arriva Latest thread at the traffic lights at Nevilles Cross where the 7 turns right to head down towards Durham Bus Station the lights for straight on were green and we were going right meaning the bus went through the light on red and it wasn't just a few seconds before it turned green I mean it was red and straight on light was green throughout this illegal turn, thankfully nothing was coming the other way as if there had been it would have smashed straight into it. So thank you stupid moron for making an illegal move and putting your passengers lives at risk I will be complaining as this should not be happening as I don't know about the rest of you but dying is not something I want to be part of my outing today
So the 'main' light was on green but the filter (right arrow) was not showing any aspect? If so this is legal, the filter light only gives you priority when other conflicting traffic has stopped. You can pass it unlit as long as you give way.
A green traffic filter light allows traffic to proceed in the direction of the arrow. A directional green filter arrow means that you have priority over traffic as their lights will be on red when you make the turn. As with all junctions be aware of pedestrians and cyclists whilst making the turn. Just because you have priority, there is a possibility of another vehicle, cyclist or pedestrian crossing or being where they shouldn’t be.
GREEN FILTER LIGHT NOT ILLUMINATEDhttp://www.drivingtesttips.biz/traffic-l...uence.html
If turning right and your green filter light is not illuminated or it distinguishes, you can still proceed providing the full phase green light is illuminated. You must however give way to oncoming vehicles and wait at the point of turn.
Green filter arrow. This indicates a filter lane only. Do not enter that lane unless you want to go in the direction of the arrow. You may proceed in the direction of the green arrow when it, or the full green light shows. Give other traffic, especially cyclists, time and room to move into the correct lane.