(31 May 2015, 4:53 pm)mb134 wrote I just don't think the whole idea of the "Quick links into x" is a very good branding idea, you're not telling people the service number or where else it goes to. I still think it would have a better impact with just the "MAX" logo, or "MAX" with route numbers.
I appreciate they do have a map with route numbers on the back of the Darlington Omnicities, but I'd struggle to read this after it passed me:
I think my opinion of the "Quick Links" branding was immediately bad, as I find the application on 7515 dull and with no real MAXimum inpact, that awful blue backing makes it look even worse:
Problem with having MAX with route numbers on Darlington's Omnicitys is you'd probably struggle to fit something short and sweet above the windows for the X26/X27 & X66 to grab people's attention but not confusing them at the same time as the X26/X27 & X66 both go to Darlington but that's the only place they all go to as the X26/X27 head to Richmond and beyond whilst the X66 goes to Middlesbrough. It is likely to get worse once Darlington also make the X75/X76 MAX branded with the X1 now also being MAX branded too.
Anyone know if 1416 is going to get any form of MAX branding anytime soon?
I don't like the branding as we can see in my photo of 7515, would have much preferred to have a MAX logo here instead of the quick links box.
The one I really don't like is the "branding" 7609 has which says something like: "Your usual bus is in for a service so enjoy our spare" it just looks cheap, tacky and half arsed.