As myself and others have pointed out eezypeazy - there has obviously been quite a few people who have not received details of the survey. AdamY has outlined his own experiences of the leaflet distribution industry, which could indicate why so many people have commented that they were unaware of the proposals.
Daniel has shared a story of a disgruntled resident, unaware of the survey and confused by the changes.
I think GTomlinson also stated he hadn't received a copy of this same survey.
Of course, if those 500 people picked up a survey from a bus, then they obviously are passengers and their feedback would be welcomed - however, I am not sure of your apparent certainty that I would dismiss it, 'because it's only a fraction of the population of the area'.
I am not sure if anyone is in a position to comment on whether those 500 responses are from passengers - however, I do doubt they all are.
Of course I am going to comment on the survey, based on the apparent lack of resident involvement and the subsequent changes.
You will be aware of the regular changes in the area, the contradictory statements issued by GNE and the reversal of decisions made only a few years previously?
There are links and discussions about those very changes within this forum.
Of course, any organisation interested in what customers have to say is a good thing.
Whether they then act on that, is quite another.
I 'knock 'em when they don't and you knock 'em when they do' - care to expand or explain?
Once again, your logic confuses me.
Not sure about your generalised statements either...
Put whatever spin on my comments you wish, dismiss my comments, take apart my comments, do whatever you want to them - the facts are:
* 8000 forms were apparently distributed to residents in the areas mentioned previously.
* 500 forms were returned.
* Based on the 500 forms which were returned, GNE are going ahead with the changes which they initially proposed.
* 7,500 forms were either not delivered or not responded to.
* People have commented in various mediums, that they did not receive the survey nor where they aware of such a consultation
Whether you like my comments or not, it is upto you. Fortunately, you are not our benign dictator just yet and until you are, I shall comment in this open forum (just like everyone's favourite transport guru does on facebook).
Kind Regards
RE: Go North East - Latest