(04 Jun 2015, 6:29 pm)JakeSavage wrote Regarding the Chester road/ Broadway roundabout, Sunderland city council actually have a "white line" scheme on the very near horizon. I'm led to believe possibly as early a next month (start of school holidays).
The plan is to increase the number of lanes approaching the roundabout so that there are 2 eastbound and 2 westbound. There'll remain one lane on the exit side. This should reduce queue lengths as twice as many vehicles will be Abel to enter the roundabout at any one time, reducing compounded delays. Although it could be argued that a bus lane would be better for sustainable travel....
Maybe but they've being saying that for years.... if it actually goes ahead then that's good.
Edit: They can only increase the road from a single to a double lane if they take the path up... and that might take a while.