(23 Aug 2013, 9:00 pm)Andreos1 wrote Some familiar faces, some terrible tight shorts and the Barratt Homes Helicopter!
Massive away following and 24k average home crowds in a season we struggled in after selling Beardsley and Waddle. Who said the crowds came when Keegan came back in 92
I remember those shorts, a eunuch would struggle to fit his lack of body parts in them, just look at the picture of Peter Beardsley I posted back up this thread. I also remember Peter Reid once saying if players wore those today they would be lucky not to be done for indecent exposure, again I refer back to the Beardsley Pic, hahaha

As for the crowds prior to KKs return in 1992, am I right in saying that the home game before was only about 14,000 and Keegans first game attracted nearly 30,000