(14 Jun 2015, 9:57 am)MrFozz wrote I get ya point there mate...
But would be uncalled for to make clubs have a defibrillator on site at games? I don't know how much they are, so don't know if it would work financially for clubs, but if you have one, if it does happen where someone collapses, it can give someone a chance
Defibrillators don't cost that much (around £500 for entry-level models) and I'd imagine most British clubs within the pyramid system could easily afford one without breaking the bank. Most high-street shops have them these-days so I see no reason why football clubs don't.
Defibrillators may give someone a chance, and obviously that's a good thing, but it doesn't shed any further light as to why seemingly more athletes are succumbing to heart-related problems. This also needs to be investigated and I'd probably put money on stress-related issues being the root cause of the problem.