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Unknown local spottings / Unknown operator questions

Unknown local spottings / Unknown operator questions

RE: Unknown local spottings / Unknown operator questions
(20 Jun 2015, 10:55 am)S813 FVK wrote The Solo SRs are Euro 6. With the electric/hybrid buses, you may be getting yourself mixed up with the Cathedral Bus. However, as there were problems with the electric solos, services 40/40A are now fully diesel.

Ah right! I knew I heard something about Electric Buses in Durham somewhere, also didn't notice the park and ride Solos are Euro 6.
and if there Euro 6 they will have the same engine that's in the Wright Streetdeck..........and people want them for the X21 Undecided
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RE: Unknown local spottings / Questions
RE: Unknown local spottings / Unknown operator questions