Have you ever?
Had a driver drive so slow your going to kill yourself if you don't get off? I have millions of times
the worst 2 ive ever had was ages ago
1. last year on a Belmont Pulsar all the way from Newcastle to Middlesbrough driver never got above 15 mph apart from the section between Chester and Pity Me where he done 30!!!
but what made it worse is he was driving so eco friendly, ive never heard a Pulsar change so early...............it wasn't in limp mode or anything, just the driver putting the slightest touch on the pedal.
2. This was years ago when 22021 was at Shields, from the Town centre to Chichester I had a decent driver but then changed drivers and the driver never got above 13 or something
yes 13 was the fastest he did and also when braking kept going on and off the brake, jerking everyone back and forth supposd to take 20 mins to my stop but took 40 instead
everyone was annoyed with the driver.
Im sure everyone has stuff like this but have any been worse than mine?
RE: Have you ever..?
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