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Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc

Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc

RE: Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc
Plans for Seaburn have appeared again:

Screening opinion request for the Seaburn masterplan:

15/01302/SCR | Formal Request for a Screening Opinion under Regulation 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011 for the demolition of existing buildings and subsequent mixed use of development on 6.88 hectares of land. | Land West Of Whitburn Road Seaburn Road Sunderland

The plans image in documents wouldn't open full screen so couldn't get it for here but this covers all of the previously mooted site including the rear car parks and pitch and put course, the only place to remain is Martinos/ jet amusements by the look of the site boundary indication.

The first phase is listed as 100 apartments situated on top of retail and leisure uses.

The document isn't clear and won't open full screen so i'm just posting what he has said, if its true, we will loose a lot of the area to apartments etc, the whole area where the fairground needs doing so its a good thing!

Thanks to Sup.sup for posting in on Skyscrapercity.

More plans for the VAUX site have appeared:

5500sqm office space with ground floor retail as first phase.

200 residential units, 55000sqm office space (b1) a hotel (c1) 5000sqm retail (d2)

Offices on the southern and central part of the site, a Hotel for the North East section of the site overlooking the river, with the further office and residential development on the North West of the site overlooking Galleys Gill- taken from page 7

The last page is this the indicative zoning of the site, it shows the residential aspect to be built fronting the river. It also shows where the first office block will be: (area is on link)

Thanks to Sup.sup again =D
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.

Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: St Mary's Way, Sunderland
RE: Sunderland Area Developments - St Mary's Way, Vaux, New Wear Bridge etc