(14 Jul 2015, 2:38 pm)Dan wrote You need a lower shutter speed to catch the destination working properly. The entire display is a colour LED (like the little square panels GNE have on some of their destinations), and as you will probably know, these sometimes don't come out properly.Thankfully managed to get a shot with the LED showing pretty clearly in Bishop Auckland Bus Station. Had to rush as it arrived late, only 3 passengers wanted to board and because it was late I had to get the shot before service 5 left.
On my photo yesterday (where the display came out as it should), it was on 1/60, but I had to pair that with settings to make the photograph darker (lower shutter speed lets more light in). You need a higher shutter speed when the bus is moving to ensure the photo isn't blurry, so if you want the destination to come out nicely, your best bet is to get it stationary.
Thanks anyway [emoji2]