(15 Jul 2015, 9:18 pm)S813 FVK wrote As year groups leave, the rear of the bus on both decks are passed down to the next group and so on. No immature gits try and sit at the back - they know what will happen to them if they try
3832 isn't my favorite Olympian either. Lacks power and that metal bar at the front blocking the ticket machine is so annoying.
I remember in Year 8, myself and three others would often be left in charge of the back seats when the others went upstairs. When I say ''others'' I mean the really popular kids.
This was a regular occurrence on the 885 (3825 was allocated to the 887 until its departure, when I was tempted by a friend to join him on the 885 instead), and the Year 7s, who had all of the seats in front of the back, would always attempt to take them from us. Quite a few funny incidents happened, I really do apologise for going off-topic...
Around February/March time, when I was an established member of the back of the 885, more Year 7s than ever attempted to attack us. Normally it was just about five, but this time it was around a dozen. They would try and climb over the seats in front of the rearwards-facing back seats, for us to just push them back. Usually, whoever had the middle section would just kick them back down the gangway. However, on this occasion, we were heavily outnumbered... They just came at us and started sitting down. One of them, who was sort of at the back of the queue, tried to claim he was seriously injured the next morning when I kicked the person in front of him back, resulting in him flying into him and knocking him to the ground. Obviously he stopped himself with his hands, but that didn't stop his parents complaining to his Head of Year demanding whoever was responsible for his ''injuries'' (a couple of scabs if he was lucky!!) was punished. I think he still gets picked on these days about that...
Another time, one of their sieges went horribly wrong when they miscalculated the strength of one of the boys who didn't go upstairs (he was actually what I would have called the ''leader'' of the Year 8s)... He happened to be a boxer... The Year 7 ran in expecting to just climb up and take a seat, but instead got the biggest kick in the groin you could imagine, I could hear it; his facial expression was like he had just been shot! One of his friends then went ahead and tried to tackle the big Year 8; he grabbed him by the collar, took him down to the front of the OAP section of seats - and threw him down to the front of the bus.
I actually miss the scholars... Some hilarious times.