Personally ALX400s or anything ex-London is now suitable on the X20 or the 35 (or any other route). Passengers want a modern, clean, comfortable bus that isn't a slow cast-off that some Mr Johnson didn't want in his city. Yes, alright, they're better than the Olympians as they don't have to leave vulnerable and disabled passengers behind.
The X20 should have been extended once newer vehicles have been sourced, the promotion for the X20 at the moment is extremely poor. I've only noted it on Arriva website, on buses nowhere near Ashington and a poorly displayed poster on the portacabin at Ashington. Timetables are unable to be issued as the route map shows that it uses Hawthorn Road. Arriva have taken up my complaint about the promotion about Alnmouth Station (a poorly printed poster that should be displayed on buses soon) but why can't they do it with the X18?
Overall, I find the promotion, extending the route without newer vehicles and then promoting the route a farce. Who wants to ride the old crappy buses that were on the route already?
RE: Arriva North East: Latest News & Discussion - August 2015