Dear Fat Old Grumpy Cow,
I'd like to thank you for saying "I don't see the point of you moving, I still can't get past" and then say to the driver "you shouldn't be letting these people on with their shitmobiles, there isn't any room".
Well, Fat Old Grumpy Cow, there isn't any room to get past as you're a fat git. We have the same right to travel as you have. Not like you took up two seats anyway. Maybe you should be charged for the occupation of two seats? Anyway, you got off near the bakery, so enjoy the gluttony. You Fat Old Grumpy Cow.
If you weren't fat and grumpy, the people you were trying to ram out of the way, who had to stand, could have sat down where you were sitting.
RE: What's annoying you today? V3