(10 Sep 2015, 12:22 pm)eezypeazy wrote Timetabled journey time by train, Newcastle to Blaydon westbound = 22 mins. Timetabled bus journey time on 11/11A/32, Central Station to Blaydon, at best 13 mins, at worst 16 mins. So no, interchange at Blaydon doesn't make sense for journeys from Newcastle. For travel to Sunderland it probably does make sense to change at Blaydon, because the train is faster; but for travel to Middlesbrough the X9/X10 beats the train because the Durham Coast line speed is too low.
The 612 (http://northeastbuses.co.uk/archive/TWPT...st1976.pdf) took 13 mins Marlbrough Cresc - Blaydon in 76
The 11/32 take 19 minutes Blaydon - Eldon Square currently.
Northern Rail (http://tickets.northernrail.org/tickets), takes between 12 and 19 mins Blaydon - Newcastle Central.