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Arriva North East: Rare & Odd Workings - September 2015

Arriva North East: Rare & Odd Workings - September 2015

RE: Arriva North East: Rare & Odd Workings - September 2015
(12 Sep 2015, 6:20 pm)Mark wrote Stockton are sending a number of their Cadets to Thorntons for DDA modifications. So far only 1920 has gone there due to Thorntons being kept busy with other work. Some of the Cadets due to be withdrawn are remaining in fleet as temporary cover until the others return and are ready for service again.

1905 was withdrawn last week. 1910 & 1911 are the most recent to be listed for disposal, but 1468 has arrived at Stockton and is not ready for service yet, while 1467 is still in service at Durham.

will any of those cadets move to jesmond to replace 4501, 4512 and 4514?

RE: Arriva North East: Rare & Odd Workings - September 2015
RE: 7445
RE: 7445
RE: 7445