(16 Sep 2015, 3:34 pm)Tom wrote Ah right, not sure on the so not sure. That would be even better really.
Probably would work out around the same PVR as the V8 now, with a couple spare?
Probably I would have thought. If the 30 minute frequency is retained, they could get away with a PVR of 2 as currently, the X30 out of Stanley heading to Lanchester is the next X30 out of Stanley for Newcastle so its like 30 minutes there and 30 back - there is layover built into the schedule at Lanchester to minimize/avoid a delay on the next trip. Same applies for the X31 but with the extra bit onto the route, may disrupt the timings a bit meaning the PVR may need to increase by one or two (whether this is done by interworking idk).