(13 Sep 2013, 2:11 pm)Andreos1 wrote Gavin Ruddick > Go North East 5 hours ago · Thank you 4 telling me the bus had broke down.
Just heard from customer services to say the bus never left the depot because it failed 1st inspection.
The service was withdrawn as the bus operator has no reserve buses. NOT GOOD, doesn't fill you full of confidence in Go North East in the slightest!!!
Go North East Apologies for the inconvenience caused, Gavin.
Like · 5 hours ago
Ian Hignett How much do you think fares would have to rise if they spent millions on spare buses to stand around
in depots?
Like · 3 hours ago
The guy is a complete and utter bellend, and that page is a complete shambles. If anyone from GNE management is reading, could this please record my opinion of him and the way you run your social media. Thanks.