(20 Sep 2015, 10:49 am)S813 FVK wrote Nothing about us getting them all? Just the possible vehicles that we could get because of contract losses etc.
As i say, i'm sure i remember Scott saying that the ones we are due will probably be 04 DLPs.
The one at Thorntons at present is a 52 plate VLW - Volvo B7TL Wright Gemini. VLW103 LG52DDK.
It was meant to be joined by VLW102 but I'm not sure whether it has arrived yet.
The ones for Ashington will be of the same batch though probably 03 plates. Yes they will be in MAX for the X20.
As I understand it there will be plenty more cascades out of London over the next few months, and I am sure we will be bidding for some of it. The earlier deckers have mostly been sold off with Rossendale, Nightingale, Rotala etc all taking batches of VLW/DW's.