(21 Sep 2015, 3:55 pm)Jimmi wrote 1598 now has a map for the 22 and 24 on the rear also advertising a 15 minute frequency instead of the previous 22 line map. Also the rear screen is broken.
Seems like none of Belmont's Pulsars have working rear destination screens.
That one's been broken for a while - just a few random dots appearing and nothing else, same with the side destination display. The map must have been put on today because we caught that one on Saturday and you could guarantee big'un would have got all excited about it, even if I didn't notice it.
I did kick myself, earlier, because one of the 22s actually had the full number and destination on the back, with the number on the kerb side but I didn't pay attention to which one it was as I was too busy muttering to myself about the rain. Can rule out 1601 as that still has just a number in the middle.
I'm wonding if Arriva are re-thinking keeping the 22 and 24 completely separate, then.