(28 Sep 2015, 8:12 pm)S813 FVK wrote Giving this another go, really tried to focus on the vehicle this time rather than the journey:
Go North East's Volvo Olympian NC Palatine 2 3814 (S814 FVK):
This vehicle is, in terms of batches, the oldest Olympian (and indeed the oldest vehicle in service across the fleet) and it certainly does show. As I have continuously said in the past, the bus really does lack the power that all other Stanley based Olympians (and indeed 3819 and 3824 at Riverside - I can't speak for 3818 having never ridden on it) have. Struggling to get up Maiden Law Bank coming out of Lanchester, some drivers keeping their foot flat to the floor (probably gaining at dead leg in the process) and others being forced to stop otherwise it will run out of power. It really needs to go, why 3813 couldn't have been kept over this thing I really have no idea. I've always found this vehicle quite quiet (although this tends to be cancelled out by the noise being made by the younger kids) but the rattles that are made by the lights are quite annoying. The ride quality is alright, not as good as the other Olympians but for a bus of its age, it absorbs bumps really well without making it look like we were on a trapoline bouncing up and down everytime we went over a pothole.
Overall opinion: Bad
Of course, your preference of 3813 over 3814 is in no way unbiased

Bit sad that we've probably missed out on a ride on one of these. Had we known they were for the chop, we had a few opportunities earlier in the summer.