"Digging up an old argument but you can say all you want about the Civic 3 e-leather seating being the same that Arriva have for it's Sapphire buses but I still don't think they are as comfortable on GNE buses than Arriva's Sapphire buses, just seems harder to me whereas Arriva's feel softer,"
Funny this, but we caught 2 different aged E400s on our run to Ashington and back, this afternoon, both with the same seat type, but of different stock. The first had rock hard seats, set a little high and attached to an obvious track on the floor, which made it uncomfortable for me to put my feet down, as I couldn't put the outside one down flat. The second had softer seats, clearly not retrofitted, so lower. They were also softer.
"the 22 all the way to Durham, some of the next stop audio announcements on this route are terrible "See Ham" was quite bad but there was quite a few sniggers (not just from me) when see said "the next stop is... More Cock!"
Some of the pronunciation is terrible on Arriva services. On the X22 to Ashington we had "Cheviot" pronounced as if it was French, rather than "cheeviot" ending with a hard T. Many of the spellings are equally dreadful.
If Arriva had a Sapphire service to Chichester I'd catch it just for the inevitable pronunciation balls up.
I should have waved when you passed us. We were home, by then!
RE: Bus Related Outings and Reviews