Following on from discussion in the main Go North East section - thought I would make sure everyone knows suggestions can be placed here..
Would anyone agree that the Sunderland to Concord section is used less than the Concord to Newcastle section of the 56 service?
How's about a service every 20 minutes between Sunderland and Newcastle, but every 10 between Concord and Newcastle? The short and long 56s would interwork at Newcastle, and would provide a PVR of 12.
If we were to suggest that the 56 was to receive 17 new B9s and the 309/310 was to also receive 17 new B9s, the remaining 5 vehicles for the 56 could be used for an X56 service (feel free to send in your suggestions for this one!) requiring 4 vehicles, while 1 acts as a spare.
RE: Go North East Service Suggestions