What they are looking at doing (they have specifically stated on the form that these are ideas, not set-in-stone plans)
- Planning to retain 12 buses an hour between Middlesbrough and James Cook Hospital between the 28/29/29a and 63
- Services from Stokesley/Great Ayton and Lingdale/Guisborough/Nunthorpe would be rerouted via Longlands rather than via Linthorpe
- Saltersgill would see service level reduced from the present 20 minutes service back to the half hourly level of pre-February 2014
- Easterside and Marton Manor would see an increase from every 20 minutes to every 15 minutes
- Every 15 minutes from Marton Shops (down from every 10 minutes) with 2 an hour operating faster journey times
- Cypress Road would return to the equal half hourly frequency instead of the 20/40 minute split at present
- Nunthorpe would revert to a half hourly service (vice every 20 minutes) operating to the faster journey times
- Eagle Park, Great Ayton, Stokesley, Guisborough and Lingdale would retain their present service level
- Evening and Sunday 28Bs would remain unchanged