(21 Sep 2013, 3:37 pm)stagecoachbusdepot wrote Of course it's not all that long ago that Sunderland did have a direct bus from Thorney Close to Seaburn every day of the week rather than just Sundays - until the 24 was axed in favour of an increased frequency on the 23... I know there's still the 18/19 Mon-Sat that do provide some links, but given the relative infrequency and magical mystery tour routing (and therefore journey time) of those services, they don't provide a viable link in my opinion.
Although GNE do it more often and more notably - Stagecoach are also guilty of cutting direct links in favour of increased frequency on a smaller number of routes, necessitating a change of buses. Stagecoach just tend to do it all in one go with a network reorganisation every 5-10 years, rather than the bimonthly tinkering approach GNE seem to prefer.
Oh the fun world tour of the 18/19.. i think they should be changed, i think its long route is the reason why no one uses them.