Well the actual GNE staff come across as sarcastic on a lot of posts/comments/messages etc. It's terrible. Ian Higgnett I want to scream everytime i see that name. I don't know what it is but he just gets right on my wick. There is no need for him to be so horrible and aggressive when 80% of the times it GNE at fault but regardless anyways that's no way to talk to people.
If I went in Asda an starting showing people where the coffee was and starting standing next to the customer services saying 'Well it's not my fault you couldn't find any stead in you 10p smart price pie' I'd be kicked out the shop!
Anyways Ian rant over with.. He will be kicking himself that he missed been in charge for the day!
How about this for a conspiracy theory.. Maybe Ian Higgnett is actually GNE?! Mask slipped by accidentally asking for someone's key card number and now missing on the same day.. There's a rumour for you's! Haha.
Does anyone remember when Ian first graced he's presence on the Facebook page?! And I thought Ian was part of this forum, it's referenced at some point on the forum?
RE: Anything and Everything